Illustrative Cases Of Implementation Of The Humanitarian Development-Peace Nexus Approach In Female Genital Mutilation Programme
Resource date: Jul 2024
Author: UNFPA and UNICEF
Publisher: UNFPA
Resource date: Jul 2024
Author: UNFPA and UNICEF
Publisher: UNFPA
The UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation is helping to implement a Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus Approach (‘Nexus Approach’) in the context of female genital mutilation (FGM) elimination. Over the past year, the Joint Programme has worked with select country offices to strengthen their technical capacity to effectively implement a Nexus Approach. This document aims to share knowledge and expertise among all stakeholders working to eliminate FGM, and to serve as a comprehensive reference that enhances performance, promotes best practices and supports continuous improvement of FGM Programmes. Sharing these cases will enable others to use the knowledge gained from successful cases to be more effective in their work. Embracing best practices not only accelerates the implementation process but also mitigates the risks associated with trial and error.