South Sudan Country Office Situation Report #53 – 13-19 December 2014
Resource date: Dec 2014
Author: UNFPA South Sudan
Resource date: Dec 2014
Author: UNFPA South Sudan
As the dry season sets in, tension is mounting in all parts of the country. In Lakes State, for example, insecurity mainly caused by inter-ethnic fighting is on the rise. During the last week 28 deaths were reported, with sporadic shooting a continued occurrence in Hiyala Payam and on the Ikotos road in Torit, Eastern Equatoria. In Leer (Unity State), the high number of the armed actors in the area has increased the risk of violence against women and girls and this is exacerbated by lack of basic services and structural protections facilities. In Bentiu, there have been reports of community leaders extorting money from the community and this has been raised with the Protection Cluster. There are increasing numbers of people returning to Rubkona and GBV partners are trying to build up services in these locations and assess the needs among those returning.