

Syria October Situation Report #3

Resource date: Oct 2024

Author: UNFPA Syria


The escalation of hostilities in Lebanon has led to a significant influx of people into Syria, with approximately 440,000 arrivals as of October 2024, including both Syrian nationals and Lebanese refugees. These displaced populations, primarily women and children, face critical health and safety risks, with limited access to reproductive health services and heightened exposure to gender-based violence due to overcrowded living conditions and inadequate shelter. The crisis has also impacted two major border crossings, hindering mobility and access to essential services for incoming displaced individuals.

In response, UNFPA is expanding its support through 99 service points across Syria, which include static clinics, women and girls’ safe spaces, community well-being centres, and integrated mobile teams. UNFPA’s services prioritise sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and protection, providing antenatal and postnatal care, family planning consultations, and emergency obstetric services. Additionally, UNFPA is addressing gender-based violence (GBV) risks through prevention, mitigation, and response activities, distributing sanitary items, and offering mental health and psychosocial support to affected women and girls. Efforts also include capacity-building workshops for local service providers in GBV case management and psychosocial first aid to improve community resilience and protection capabilities.

To sustain these critical interventions, the UN Inter-Agency Flash Appeal for Syria seeks $324 million, with UNFPA requiring $7.5 million to continue SRH and GBV services over the next six months.

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