Ukraine Emergency Situation Report #18 - 17 May 2023
Resource date: May 2023
Publisher: UNFPA EECA
Resource date: May 2023
Publisher: UNFPA EECA
This situation report summarizes the Ukraine emergency due to the invasion of the Russian Federation and the ongoing war, and the regional humanitarian response of UNFPA.
As of April 2023, an estimated 8.1 million Ukrainians had fled to other parts of Europe, of which over 5 million are registered for temporary protection or similar national protection schemes. An additional 5.4 million Ukrainians are recorded as internally displaced. Within Ukraine an estimated 14.6 million people require health assistance, the response currently targets 7.8 million people of which 52 per cent are women. An estimated 3.6 million people are in need of gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response services. The response aims to assist at least 1 million of women and girls across the country.
During the reporting period of March and April 2023, UNFPA reached 71,400 people with GBV information, referral and services, 16,300 people with mental health and psyschosocial support, and 27,980 people with sexual and reproductive health information, referrals and services.