Supply chain


Become a UNFPA Supplier

UNFPA actively seeks to establish new relationships with suppliers of sexual and reproductive health commodities. Vendors wishing to do business with UNFPA should register through the United Nations Global Market Place (UNGM).

UNFPA purchases hormonal contraceptives and maternal health medicines that are WHO Prequalified. Please refer to the UNFPA Quality Assurance Policy for Medicines for detailed information on qualifications for procurement.


Prequalification Programmes

The WHO/UNFPA Prequalification Programmes promote and facilitate access to safe, appropriate and affordable health products of good quality in an equitable manner. UNFPA manages the prequalification programmes for male latex condoms, female condoms and copper TCu380A IUDs. The findings are used to provide independent technical information on the safety, quality and performance of the products assessed to other UN agencies, WHO Member States and other interested organizations.

The prequalification process determines whether the applicant/manufacturer meets the minimum requirements detailed in the relevant ISO standards and WHO/UNFPA Specifications. Under review are product quality, safety, production and quality management. See Notices of Suspension.

All prequalified manufacturing sites are subject to re-qualification every three years for continuous quality monitoring.

Further detailed information that highlights key issues relevant to applying a technically sound, systematic process to support the manufacture, prequalification, testing, procurement and distribution of products can be found in this WHO/UNFPA Technical Specifications for male latex condoms and this Guidance for contraceptive devices (including male latex condoms, female condoms and intrauterine devices). More resources about the UNFPA Prequalification Programme are available here.

Prequalification fees

The introduction of the Prequalification fee scheme is intended to ensure the sustainability of the UNFPA Prequalification Programme. For more information, review the WHO/UNFPA Prequalification of Condoms and IUDs Fees and Frequently asked questions on WHO/UNFPA Prequalification of Condoms and IUDs Fees.

For more information, see the resources below or contact us.

See Related Resources

Supplier Selection

UNFPA evaluates and prequalifies suppliers before entering into any contractual agreements. UNFPA establishes Long Term Agreements (LTAs) with a wide variety of manufacturers to ensure uninterrupted availability of supplies. Based on open, public and competitive bidding processes, these agreements define the specifications, standards and prices of products. Having LTAs in place facilitates orders can be placed without clients undergoing lengthy bidding processes and therefore, allowing significant time savings. In order to ensure that UNFPA conducts business with suppliers who adhere to the highest ethical standards, reviews are undertaken for all potential suppliers prior to registration in the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM).

All UNFPA tenders are posted on the UNGM, and the bidding process is open primarily to manufacturers or authorized representatives. Interested suppliers can respond to public notices issued through UNGM. See the UNGM Guidelines and other relevant information available on the UNGM website.

It is UNFPA policy to accept the suspended vendor list of other United Nations agencies or public international entities provided that their suspension policies and practices are consistent with UNFPA policy and practice. If the supplier is listed on the United Nations “1267 list” (sanction regime), a UNFPA contract cannot be issued to the supplier.

See Related Resources

Companies doing business with the United Nations are required to accept and comply with the UN Supplier Code of Conduct. UNFPA expects that all suppliers will follow this code of conduct, which originates from the core values outlined in the United Nations Charter that binds all nations

UNFPA will communicate to suppliers during the registration phase, in the bidding documents and in the contract documents that all UNFPA suppliers shall adhere to the highest ethical standards, both during the bidding process and throughout the execution of a contract.

Suppliers perceiving that they have been unjustly or unfairly treated in connection with a solicitation, evaluations or award of a contract may submit a complaint as indicated in the solicitation documents of the specific bid in reference. Should the protestor be unsatisfied with the reply, the protestor may contact the Chief of UNFPA Supply Chain Management Unit.

UNFPA suppliers are invited to provide feedback and share ideas on innovations, products and logistics.

Quantum Supplier Portal

For international suppliers holding a valid Blanket Purchase Agreement with the UNFPA Supply Chain Management Unit.

The Quantum Supplier Portal is a centralised platform for all supplier-related activities, offering a unified space for information exchange and collaboration. It represents a significant shift in how UNFPA engages and conducts transactions with our supply chain partners, aiming to digitise and streamline our processes. With real-time insights into order statuses, agreement information, and payment details, suppliers gain enhanced transparency and visibility into their interactions with UNFPA.

The user-friendly interface simplifies order management, reducing manual efforts and potential errors. This improved visibility empowers suppliers to proactively address issues, contributing to better decision-making and a more resilient supply chain.

Moreover, the collaborative nature of the platform strengthens the relationship between UNFPA and our suppliers, fostering a sense of partnership and mutual benefit.

We invite you to review the webinar delivered to our International Suppliers in April 2024, along with the presentation slides shared during the session. With the official release of the Supplier Portal for supplier collaboration on April 8, 2024, we provide a detailed Supplier User Guide offering hands-on instructions for navigation and utilisation. In addition, please refer to the training session conducted on June 07, 2024, which outlines the essential steps related to the Purchasing and Shipments sections of the Supplier Portal.

2022 Procurement highlights


Products in catalogue

1.8 B

Condoms procured


Countries received SRH supplies from UNFPA

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