Over the past 30 years, remarkable gains have been made in the achievement of sexual and reproductive health and rights for all.

First World Population Conference, Rome

Third World Population Conference, Bucharest
Feminist researchers used human rights frameworks to carve a role for themselves

The United Nations Decade for Women begins

Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is drafted and approved
CEDAW is drafted and approved

First International Women and Health Meeting (IWHM), Rome
First International Women and Health Meeting, Rome

CEDAW is adopted by the General Assembly

Third International Women and Health Meeting, Geneva

Fourth International Women and Health Meeting, Amsterdam
International Conference on Population, Mexico

Preparations for ICPD 1994 in Cairo begin
Women’s organizations mobilize to influence the existing population agenda

Women’s Declaration on Population Policies is signed

International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), Cairo
Preparatory Conference, Rio de Janeiro

Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing

ICPD+5: Youth movements are engaged to help advance the ICPD agenda among a new generation

The Millenium Declaration is adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, followed by the Millenium Devolopment Goals

MDGS+5: Advocates succeed in having universal access to reproductive health included in the Millenium Development Goals

ICPD+20: Once again, experts, feminists, youth, NGOs and governments mobilize around the ICPD agenda

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is adopted, leading to the Sustainable Development Goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is adopted, leading to the SDG Goals
The #NiUnaMenos movement emerges across Latin America, calling for an end to femicide and ultimately leading to the Green Wave

The SheDecides movement is launched in support of reproductive health and rights, and the #MeToo movement erupts in response to millions of women decrying sexual abuse and harassment
The SheDecides movement is launched and the #MeToo movement erupts

Nairobi Summit on ICPD25

The Generation Equality Forum takes place

What women workers wanted was for the labour movement to ensure gender-related issues are part of the core agenda; it’s not just about wages.
Nandita Shivakumar, India Read story
Textiles blur the boundary between art and function, practicality and beauty. Women’s movements have long used textiles to draw attention to a range of issues – from body positivity to reproductive justice and systemic racism. Contemporary artists and women-led textile collectives continue this tradition by producing artwork which reflects their local environments and traditions. As it has for thousands of years, textile art continues to offer women around the world the means to connect with previous and future generations of women in their families and communities.
We would like to thank the following textile artists who contributed to the artwork for this report:
Nneka Jones
Rosie James
Bayombe Endani, represented by the Advocacy Project
Woza Moya
The Tally Assuit Women’s Collective, represented by the International Folk Art Market
Pankaja Sethi