
"I was not ready to lose my child"

A midwife attends to a pregnant woman at UNFPA-supported Al Thawra Hospital in Hodeidah. © UNFPA Yemen
  • 27 September 2018


In Türkiye, a safe haven for Syrian refugee survivors

Fatima now works as a health mediator at a UNFPA-supported safe space, helping other women and girls. © UNFPA Türkiye
  • 01 June 2018


Former child brides find brighter future at Türkiye's safe spaces

Rima*, a 22-year-old mother of two, escaped both violence in Syria and abuse in her home. Today, she works as a health mediator at a UNFPA-supported safe space in Türkiye. © UNFPA Türkiye
  • 25 April 2018


Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.


Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

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News & Updates

Gaza Strip, Palestine – “I was worried about my daughter’s health. Thankfully, the doctors, midwives and nurses at the government hospital were responsive, well-trained and very supportive,” said Sama Riziq, recalling…
30 June 2022 Read Story
AMBOASARY/GRAND SUD, Madagascar – Just weeks away from delivering her fifth child, Homoroe Haova, 33, looked down at her stomach and smiled, reassured she could give birth safely as well as feed her children in the…
04 May 2022 Read Story
TRIPOLI, Libya – After a divorce following a violent marriage, Muna* found herself facing a different set of challenges. “I suffered abuse, mistreatment and discrimination,” she recounted. “It is the stigma that…
07 September 2021 Read Story


Yemen’s deadly cholera outbreak puts pregnant women in danger

Dr. Farea at 22 May Hospital, in Sana’a, checks in on Ibtisam, a pregnant woman with cholera. © UNFPA Yemen
  • 21 July 2017


New programme counters violence in northern Cameroon

Sylvie Tokofi's village was attacked by Boko Haram. She was forced to flee and drop out of school. Today, a UNFPA-supported programme aims to help young people like her promote peace. © UNFPA Cameroon
  • 22 February 2017


Strengthening support for the war-weary women of South Sudan

A refugee woman and her child take shelter in a camp in Upper Nile State, South Sudan. Throughout the country, conditions remain treacherous for women's and girls' health. © Hannah McNeish/IRIN
  • 15 December 2014

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