PSA: World Population Day 2011 [Arabic]

Published on: 11/07/2011

In a world of 7 billion, educating and empowering women and girls helps reduce poverty and illiteracy, stabilizes populations, and enables societies to make better choices.

Counting the World [4 Minute Version]

Published on: 08/03/2012


Census - Counting the World

Published on: 24/05/2013

The United Nations Population Fund is the lead agency in the UN system supporting national efforts to conduct censuses, particularly in developing countries. A census is among the most important and complex peace-time exercises a nation can undertake. Read more on data for development:


Making Sense of Myanmar's Census

<p>A mother and child on the outskirts of Sittwe, Rakhine State, Myanmar. <i>Photo credit: UN Photo</i> </p>
  • 31 March 2014


Myanmar Tests Procedures for Its 2014 Census

<p>Data processing center at the Department of Population in the Ministry of Inmigration and Population in Nay Pyi Daw, Myanmar's new capital city. <i>Photo &copy; UNFPA Myanmar/Pyay Kyaw Myint</i> </p>
  • 22 April 2013

In the News

Counting the World: UNFPA Highlights the Challenges of Census-Taking

  • 14 September 2012


Senegal and Brazil Forge South-South Cooperation on Census Activities

From left to right: Moustapha Ndour, First Counselor of the Embassy of Senegal in Brazil; Ambassador Fernando Abreu, future Director of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC); Roberto Neves Sant&rsquo;Anna, IBGE Foreign Affairs Advisor; Abdoul Aziz Ndiaye, Ambassador of Senegal in Brazil; Marco Farani, Director of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC); and Harold Robinson, UNFPA Representative in Brazil and Country Director for Argentina and Paraguay. Photo: Ulisses Lacava/UNFPA
  • 07 August 2012


Conducting a Social, Demographic and Economic Survey of Afghanistan

Training enumerators is one of many steps in the complex process of data collection.
  • 29 June 2012


UN, Myanmar Agree on Support for First Census Since 1983

  • 30 April 2012


Counting the World: New Documentary Explores the Census

<p>Mapping an entire country is one of the key steps in undertaking a national census.</p>
  • 09 April 2012

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