
Engaging Midwives in the Global Campaign to End Female Genital Mutilation

Resource date: Nov 2014

Author: UNFPA

UNFPA is mobilizing midwives in the prevention female genital mutilation (FGM) and in caring for its consequences, through a joint initiative in the context of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on FGM/C and the UNFPA Midwifery Programme. Building on the expertise and networks of the two global programmes, UNFPA will empower midwives to serve as role models, counselors and advocates in the campaign to end FGM.


A safe haven for pregnant women in Somalia

Women obtain health services at a maternity waiting home in a Mogadishu displacement camp. © UNFPA Somalia/Ruth Solomon
  • 12 January 2015


Midwives help lower Afghanistan's towering maternal death rate

Fahima Nazary, head of midwifery at the CURE Hospital in Kabul, looks over a mother and newborn. © UNFPA Afghanistan/Rada Akbar
  • 07 January 2015


Midwives Deliver for the Women of the World

  • 02 May 2013


In race to save women's lives, solutions are within reach, says UNFPA head

<p>Maternal and neonatal death rates remain stubbornly high, studies show. But the solutions to these problems are known, and deceptively simple. <i>Photo credit: Jerome Sessini/Magnum Photos</i> </p>
  • 21 September 2014


E-Learning Modules for Midwives

Resource date: 2013



Midwifery Programme Guidance

Resource date: 2014

Author: UNFPA

The Midwifery Programme Guidance has been developed by UNFPA in collaboration with ICM for country offices, programme managers,  partner agencies, and midwifery managers in Ministries of Health, to assist them in developing, ‘scaling up’ and/or strengthening midwifery programmes at the national level. It explains key midwifery concepts, outlines a step by step approach on how to strengthen midwifery Education, Regulation and Association, engage stakeholders, undertake effective policy advocacy and fund raising and references key available resources to do so.


Good Practices on Strengthening Midwifery Services to Avert Maternal and Newborn Deaths

Resource date: 2013

Author: UNFPA



Investing in Midwifery Pays

Resource date: 2012

Author: UNFPA

Publisher: UNFPA

Some 15 per cent of pregnant women worldwide face potential life-threatening complications during pregnancy, delivery or afterwards. Despite this, 35 percent of new mothers in developing countries will give birth either alone or without skilled care during what is one of the most dangerous passages a woman will undergo in her entire lifetime.For a country to prevent women and newborn babies from dying during childbirth, one of the most important investments it can make is in human resources to ensure skilled birth attendance during pregnancy and delivery.

Birth Amid Chaos in Gaza

Published on: 04/12/2010

The birth of a child is a moment of excitement as well as anxiety. But in Gaza, it is even more stressful/ it may mean risking your life. We meet a courageous midwife who is improving the odds for many mothers and babies.

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