Assessment 01

Human Rights Standards on Maternal Health

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Human Rights Standards on Maternal Health

More than 800 women die daily from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth –largely the result of gender inequality, discrimination, health inequities, and a failure to guarantee human rights.

Over 70% of maternal deaths worldwide result from severe bleeding, high blood pressure, infection, complications from unsafe abortion, and prolonged or obstructed labor. Most of these emergencies are preventable, if identified and managed in a timely manner. Reducing the global maternal mortality ratio to 70 per 100,000 live bi ...

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Key questions



Is quality maternal health care at functional health care facilities available as needed, accessible and affordable to all, including in remote areas?


Example for implementation

  • Engage with the drug regulation authority to ensure that all essential medicines for treating pregnancy-related complications (e.g., misoprostol to treat postpartum hemorrhage or incomplete abortion) are legally permitted, registered for obstetric use, and available in practice.
  • Work with local health officials and health facilities to ensure that maternal health care is physically available by providing transportation, modifying buildings to ensure access for individuals with disabilities, and adequately staffing health centers, even in remote areas.

Are communities accessing these services?


Example for implementation

  • Develop and disseminate information and education materials on maternal health and rights in the most common local languages, Braille, and adolescent-friendly formats.
  • Work with national and subnational health officials to develop and implement a curriculum on comprehensive sexuality education that includes maternal health.
  • Develop culturally appropriate communication campaigns in collaboration with communities, faith-based organizations, and civil society organizations to raise awareness around stigmatized aspects of maternal health (such as abortion, mental health, and forms of maternal morbidity such as obstetric fistula and uterine prolapse) and where to seek treatment.

Is information on sexual and reproductive health and maternal health accessible and understandable to all (considering age, language, age, ability, etc.)?


Example for implementation

  • Support local health offices in the development of oversight and monitoring programs for maternal health care, including how to follow standardized protocols for managing inventories of drugs and equipment, patient records, and patient care.
  • Ensure that health care providers are properly trained and their competencies are maintained through supportive supervision and mentoring to provide quality respectful care to all patients.
  • Ensure the proper recording of maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths, health worker training on how to conduct maternal death reviews, and feedback mechanisms for quality-related improvements in health facilities. Conduct patient satisfaction surveys.

Is comprehensive sexuality education accessible and available?


Example for implementation

  • Support local health offices in the development of oversight and monitoring programs for maternal health care, including how to follow standardized protocols for managing inventories of drugs and equipment, patient records, and patient care.
  • Ensure that health care providers are properly trained and their competencies are maintained through supportive supervision and mentoring to provide quality respectful care to all patients.
  • Ensure the proper recording of maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths, health worker training on how to conduct maternal death reviews, and feedback mechanisms for quality-related improvements in health facilities. Conduct patient satisfaction surveys.

Is the quality of maternal health services being maintained, including by ensuring skilled medical personnel, scientifically approved and unexpired drugs and hospital equipment, and respectful care?


Example for implementation

  • Support local health offices in the development of oversight and monitoring programs for maternal health care, including how to follow standardized protocols for managing inventories of drugs and equipment, patient records, and patient care.
  • Ensure that health care providers are properly trained and their competencies are maintained through supportive supervision and mentoring to provide quality respectful care to all patients.
  • Ensure the proper recording of maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths, health worker training on how to conduct maternal death reviews, and feedback mechanisms for quality-related improvements in health facilities. Conduct patient satisfaction surveys.

Is maternal health care provided in a manner that is culturally appropriate?


Example for implementation

  • Support local health offices in the development of oversight and monitoring programs for maternal health care, including how to follow standardized protocols for managing inventories of drugs and equipment, patient records, and patient care.
  • Ensure that health care providers are properly trained and their competencies are maintained through supportive supervision and mentoring to provide quality respectful care to all patients.
  • Ensure the proper recording of maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths, health worker training on how to conduct maternal death reviews, and feedback mechanisms for quality-related improvements in health facilities. Conduct patient satisfaction surveys.

Are confidentiality and privacy guaranteed in the provision of maternal health care?


Example for implementation

  • including adolescents, poor women, indigenous women, minority women, rural women, migrant women, and women with disabilities?

Do legal and professional regulations respect service users’ autonomy and support informed consent, including by providing counseling?


Example for implementation

  • including adolescents, poor women, indigenous women, minority women, rural women, migrant women, and women with disabilities?

Has the state taken steps to ensure that goods and services essential to maternal health, as defined in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (such as misoprostol and comprehensive abortion care), are legally available and accessible to all?


Example for implementation

  • including adolescents, poor women, indigenous women, minority women, rural women, migrant women, and women with disabilities?

Are the underlying determinants of healthy pregnancy (including adequate nutrition, potable water, education, sanitation, and transportation) guaranteed to pregnant and postpartum individuals?


Example for implementation

  • Support local health officials and civil society organizations in developing facility- or district-level mechanisms that allow individuals to file complaints and have grievances redressed after experiencing violence, disrespect, or abuse. Provide the necessary information and resources (including free legal assistance where appropriate) to help individuals seek redress for violations.
  • Work with national judicial academies and national human rights institutions to develop and implement capacity-building programs on maternal health as a human rights concern.
  • Provide free legal assistance as needed to women whose rights are violated. Support social accountability mechanisms such as citizen score cards.

Are targeted measures in place to address maternal health among marginalized groups that have disproportionately elevated rates of maternal mortality and face additional obstacles in accessing reproductive health care, including adolescents, poor women, indigenous women, women from discriminated-against racial or ethnic groups, rural women, migrant women, and women with disabilities?


Example for implementation

  • Engage with the Ministry of Health and medical schools to develop and implement health education modules to address the linkages between discriminatory stereotyping by health providers (by gender and other factors) and negative maternal health outcomes. These modules should be mainstreamed in pre-service education and imparted through in-service training.

Are confidential and unbiased accountability processes to address and provide remedies for complaints of violence, disrespect, and abuse in maternal health care in place and accessible to all in a timely manner?


Example for implementation

  • Support local health officials and civil society organizations in developing facility- or district-level mechanisms that allow individuals to file complaints and have grievances redressed after experiencing violence, disrespect, or abuse. Provide the necessary information and resources (including free legal assistance where appropriate) to help individuals seek redress for violations.
  • Work with national judicial academies and national human rights institutions to develop and implement capacity-building programs on maternal health as a human rights concern.
  • Provide free legal assistance as needed to women whose rights are violated. Support social accountability mechanisms such as citizen score cards.
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