
2018 Annual Report on Evaluation and Evaluation of the UNFPA response to the Syria crisis, presented to the Executive Board

04 Jun 2019

Marco Segone, Director, UNFPA Evaluation Office presenting 2018 annual report on evaluation to the Executive Board (c) UNFPA Evaluation Office

On 3 June 2019, at the Executive Board annual session 2019, Marco Segone, Director, UNFPA Evaluation Office presented the annual report on the evaluation function 2018. The annual report provides information on the performance of the evaluation function at centralized and decentralized levels, as well as the contribution of UNFPA to the UN coherence in evaluation, including system-wide evaluations, and national evaluation capacity development.

The Director also presented the results of the evaluation of the UNFPA response to the Syria crisis (2011-2018). The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the contribution of UNFPA to the Syria humanitarian crisis response while generating findings and lessons learned that would be of value across UNFPA and for other stakeholders.

The Director’s statements were followed by the management responses to the annual report on the evaluation function 2018 and the evaluation of the UNFPA response to the Syria crisis.

Following UNFPA presentations, 24 Member States (Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, the United Kingdom) presented a joint statement on the annual report on the evaluation function 2018. The joint statement congratulated the Evaluation Office and commended an overall very positive picture of UNFPA’s evaluation performance. The joint statement further highly valued UNFPA’s Evaluation Office’ commitment and active support to the reform agenda and joint and system-wide evaluations and encouraged further support to independent system-wide evaluation mechanisms.

Joint statement by Member States on the annual report on the evaluation function 2018

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