UNFPA Brazil

Brazil is the world’s fifth largest country with the eighth largest economy by nominal GDP and is the 85th country in the Human Development Index (2013). Despite being a middle-income country, it continues to face inequalities in income distribution and disparities associated to gender, race and generational and regional disparities. As of 1973, UNFPA support has contributed sexual reproductive health and family planning resources and services throughout the country. Through this effort and governmental support, the poverty rate decreased significantly within the last 15 years.

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Población, por grupo de edad, porcentaje
    Población de 0 a 14 años, en porcentaje
    Población de 15 a 64, años, en porcentaje
    Population aged 65+

Salud sexual y reproductiva

Nacimientos atendidos por personal sanitario calificado, porcentaje, 2014-2019
    Nacimientos atendidos por personal sanitario calificado

Planificación familiar

Proportion of demand satisfied with modern methods, women aged 15-49, per cent, 2022
    Modern method  


Total net enrolment rate, percent

Gender, Rights, and Human Capital

Decision making on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, percent, 2007-2022:
Adolescent birth rate per 1,000 girls aged 15-19, 2024:
Intimate partner violence, past 12 months, percent, 2018:
Decision making on women's own health care, percent, 2007-2022:
Decision making on contraceptive use, percent, 2007-2022:
Decision making on sexual intercourse, percent, 2007-2022:

Prácticas nocivas

Child marriage by age 18, percent, 2023:
Female genital mutilation prevalence among girls aged 15-19, percent, 2022:


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