Encuesta global CIPD

El proceso de revisión de la CIPD Más allá de 2014 tiene por objeto proporcionar la base de pruebas más amplia de los logros, las brechas y las cuestiones pendientes en relación con la aplicación del Programa de Acción.

To facilitate evidence gathering, the ICPD Beyond 2014 Secretariat worked in partnership with civil society, governments and technical experts to develop a Global Survey tool. Completed surveys were returned to the ICPD Beyond 2014 Secretariat for analysis from 176 Member States (183 including associates). Responses were reviewed by expert panels and collated with findings from regional and thematic conferences that contributed to the ICPD Beyond 2014 Review process. First findings and key messages from the initial analysis of the survey data and input from expert panels were presented to UN member states in June 2013.

The Global Survey gathered information against a number of key indicators that relate to each ICPD thematic area, which include migration, poverty and economic development, gender equality and empowerment of women, education, maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, and urbanization and environment. Through the Global Survey, governments have received an overview of the latest, ICPD relevant population and development data. The results and analysis of the Global Survey are available in the Country Implementation Profiles, contained in the below map, which provide reliable data on key indicators that will support governments and civil society to evaluate progress and measure advancement towards the goals set out in the Programa de acción de la CIPD Se ha prestado asistencia a los países en que se necesitó capacidad adicional para efectuar consultas y reunir pruebas.

Los datos de la Encuesta Mundial contribuyeron a elaborar el informe mundial del Secretario General sobre el examen y sirvieron como aporte a la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.

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