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Violence, fear limit access to pregnancy care in Democratic Republic of Congo's Kasai area
Jacqueline Lusambo is 18 and pregnant, and has spent the last six months living in the bush, hiding from the conflict that rages through Kasai Central, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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Alarming shortage of health personnel in conflict-affected Nigeria
Retired but not tired. This is how people describe Hauwa Lassa, a nurse and midwife who came out of retirement to care for women and girls affected by the conflict in north-eastern Nigeria. “I have been working in the...
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Nepal floods put pregnant women and new mothers at risk
Devastating floods have caused widespread displacement and destruction in southern Nepal, a disaster that has put pregnant women, post-partum mothers and other vulnerable women and girls at serious risk.
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Men in rural Ethiopia show that family planning is not just a women’s issue
Sileshi Deguale said it was last year that he made the biggest decision of his life, a choice that would help his wife regain her health by protecting her from unplanned pregnancies – he got a vasectomy.
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Girls' voices essential in Philippines campaign against teen pregnancy
“I want to be a doctor someday,” said Shaina Macmac, 16, a senior at the WPU-Agricultural Science High School in Palawan, a southwestern province of the Philippines. “Aspirations in life drive young girls like me to...
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Más de 10.000 mujeres y niñas atendidas en zonas afectadas por desastre en el Perú
Las inundaciones y las fuertes lluvias en la costa norte del Perú Las inundaciones y las fuertes lluvias en la costa norte del Perú provocaron una gran cantidad de desplazamientos y daños. Con más de un millón de...
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Rompiendo cinco mitos sobre la violencia sexual en situaciones de emergencia
La violencia sexual está muy extendida en todo el mundo. Esto es cierto incluso en tiempos de paz y estabilidad, pero se intensifica durante las crisis humanitarias.
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Clínicas móviles prestan atención esencial a mujeres y niñas en zonas remotas de Haití
PICHON/BELLE-ANSE, Haiti – Delicada y pequeña, Nélia tiene 25 años pero parece una adolescente. Ya ha estado embarazada tres veces, y ha soportado más de lo que le corresponde para la edad que tiene.
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Para muchas niñas, las vacaciones escolares significan MGF
Asha Ali Ibrahim, de 41 años, ha practicado la mutilación genital femenina (MGF) en niñas en Diaami, Hargeisa y otras partes de Somalia desde 1997. Julio y agosto son los meses de más trabajo en el año. “Esta es la...
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