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50 años de la declaración de la planificación familiar como un derecho humano básico

El mundo declaró, el 13 de mayo de 1968, que la planificación familiar es un derecho fundamental. Después de 50 años, este derecho está bajo amenaza.

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Celebrando el camino hacia la maternidad

En el mes de mayo, decenas de países celebran el Día de las Madres, en homenaje a la fortaleza y belleza de las madres en todo el mundo.

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Rural midwives help save mothers in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Rural midwives are working to end preventable maternal deaths.

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Cinco motivos por los que la migración es una cuestión feminista

Las necesidades de las mujeres y las niñas migrantes pasan totalmente inadvertidas.

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Delivering into chaos: Gunfire, arson and childbirth in rural Kenya

Under armed attack, Lena Towai fled into the wilderness and gave birth in the dark – assisted only by a neighbour with a gunshot wound.

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De partera a parlamentaria, promover los derechos de las mujeres en las Comoras

Una partera se convierte en la única mujer parlamentaria del país. Ella está luchando por la igualdad de género.

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“The world needs to open their eyes”: Kasai survivors call for attention to crisis

“There was a lot of violence. Armed men abused and killed young girls, even while they were fleeing,” said Felikanko, 44. She was one of more than a million people who escaped the outbreak of conflict in the Democratic...

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Escaping child marriage in Sierra Leone

"According to our tradition, a girl should get married when she reaches puberty," said Zainab Binta Jalloh, a 23-year-old from Sierra Leone’s Koinadugu District. She would know – she was married when she was...

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Women's centre in Iraq helps women "knit" their lives back together

Haneen Ali* was 22 years old when conflict forced her family to flee their home in Mosul, in northern Iraq. With her parents, she hiked through minefields before finding safety in the Debaga camp.


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