UNFPA Global Results
Global highlights
Global impact of UNFPA's support in 2022-2023
Key results
Achieved with UNFPA’s support, by indicator, time frame, region and country
Reduced inequalities
iSexual and reproductive services are included as part of their financial protection mechanisms and/or risk pooling and/or pre-payment schemesx
iSexual and reproductive health and rights is integrated into the national youth-related policiesx
iCountries have made a national commitment to three transformative results through a costed national action plan/s, strategy, laws, political commitment or any other mechanismx
iCountries have multiple stakeholder mechanisms to support the acceleration of transformative results and ICPD Programme of Actionx
iCountries have integrated sexual and reproductive health priorities into the national climate policiesx
iCountries have national development plans addressing sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights and gender equality that explicitly integrate population changesx
iCountries have laws and regulations aligned with international human rights standards that support the realization of universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rightsx
Good health and well-being
iCountries have a functional logistic management information systemx
iCountries have national standards for the provision of sexual and reproductive health services to adolescentsx
iCountries have national and/or subnational mechanisms for accreditation of midwife education and training institutions and their programmes in line with International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) standardsx
iCountries affected by emergencies realizing the inter-agency minimum standards for gender-based violence programmingx
iCountry had a mechanism for getting routine, patient /client satisfaction modalities for the provision to the services related to sexual and reproductive healthx
iCountries have a safe and ethical information management systems for gender-based violence incident monitoringx
Gender equality
iCountries produced key population data outputs including sub-national population projectionsx
iCountries conducted population situation analysis (PSA) on population changes and diversity and the impact of mega-trendsx
iCountries collected and used georeferenced census datax
iCountries collected and reported nationally representative evidence on perceptions and attitudes related to gender norms and stereotypesx
iCountries collected sexual and reproductive health indicators as part of the national health information system and made publicly availablex
iCountries collected, mapped and reported disaggregated data on the incidence of gender-based violence and harmful practicesx
iCountries combined population and health sector data to map geographic access to services related to sexual reproductive health and reproductive rightsx
iCountries conducted vulnerability assessments, mapping or similar evidence gathering to mitigate the potential impact of natural disasters or humanitarian crises on the achievement of the transformative resultsx
iCountry had a national CRVS strategic plan that has adopted a life-course approach to strengthened civil registration and vital statistics systemsx
Peace, justice, and strong institutions
iCountries have a national or subnational mechanism to address discriminatory gender and social norms related to three transformative resultsx
iCountries have a functional diversity inclusive community platforms in reflective dialogue towards eliminating discriminatory social and gender normsx
iCountries have a strong social movement/s is advocating for tackling harmful social and gender norms, stereotypes and discriminatory practices that support the achievement of the transformative resultsx
iCountries have a functional national mechanism to engage men's and boys' organizations/networks/ coalitions promoting positive masculinities that actively advocate for achieving the transformative resultsx
iCountries have followed up on accepted recommendations from international or regional human rights mechanisms related to sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence and harmful practicesx
Partnerships for the goals
iCountries operationalized in-school comprehensive sexuality education following international standardx
iCountries operationalized out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education following international technical and programme guidancex
iCountries involved adolescents and youth in the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes related to climate changex
iCountries promoted youth-led innovative initiatives, including digital solutions, for accelerating the achievement of the transformative results, with support from UNFPAx
Policy and Accountability mechanisms
iSexual and reproductive services are included as part of their financial protection mechanisms and/or risk pooling and/or pre-payment schemesx
iSexual and reproductive health and rights is integrated into the national youth-related policiesx
iCountries have made a national commitment to three transformative results through a costed national action plan/s, strategy, laws, political commitment or any other mechanismx
iCountries have multiple stakeholder mechanisms to support the acceleration of transformative results and ICPD Programme of Actionx
iCountries have integrated sexual and reproductive health priorities into the national climate policiesx
iCountries have national development plans addressing sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights and gender equality that explicitly integrate population changesx
iCountries have laws and regulations aligned with international human rights standards that support the realization of universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rightsx
Quality of care and services
iCountries have a functional logistic management information systemx
iCountries have national standards for the provision of sexual and reproductive health services to adolescentsx
iCountries have national and/or subnational mechanisms for accreditation of midwife education and training institutions and their programmes in line with International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) standardsx
iCountries affected by emergencies realizing the inter-agency minimum standards for gender-based violence programmingx
iCountry had a mechanism for getting routine, patient /client satisfaction modalities for the provision to the services related to sexual and reproductive healthx
iCountries have a safe and ethical information management systems for gender-based violence incident monitoringx
Population change and data
iCountries produced key population data outputs including sub-national population projectionsx
iCountries conducted population situation analysis (PSA) on population changes and diversity and the impact of mega-trendsx
iCountries collected and used georeferenced census datax
iCountries collected and reported nationally representative evidence on perceptions and attitudes related to gender norms and stereotypesx
iCountries collected sexual and reproductive health indicators as part of the national health information system and made publicly availablex
iCountries collected, mapped and reported disaggregated data on the incidence of gender-based violence and harmful practicesx
iCountries combined population and health sector data to map geographic access to services related to sexual reproductive health and reproductive rightsx
iCountries conducted vulnerability assessments, mapping or similar evidence gathering to mitigate the potential impact of natural disasters or humanitarian crises on the achievement of the transformative resultsx
iCountry had a national CRVS strategic plan that has adopted a life-course approach to strengthened civil registration and vital statistics systemsx
Gender and Social norms
iCountries have a national or subnational mechanism to address discriminatory gender and social norms related to three transformative resultsx
iCountries have a functional diversity inclusive community platforms in reflective dialogue towards eliminating discriminatory social and gender normsx
iCountries have a strong social movement/s is advocating for tackling harmful social and gender norms, stereotypes and discriminatory practices that support the achievement of the transformative resultsx
iCountries have a functional national mechanism to engage men's and boys' organizations/networks/ coalitions promoting positive masculinities that actively advocate for achieving the transformative resultsx
iCountries have followed up on accepted recommendations from international or regional human rights mechanisms related to sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence and harmful practicesx
Adolescnet and youth
iCountries operationalized in-school comprehensive sexuality education following international standardx
iCountries operationalized out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education following international technical and programme guidancex
iCountries involved adolescents and youth in the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes related to climate changex
iCountries promoted youth-led innovative initiatives, including digital solutions, for accelerating the achievement of the transformative results, with support from UNFPAx
Financial protection mechanisms
Asia & the Pacific
Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Arab States
East & Southern Africa
Latin America & the Caribbean
Achieved in 2023
Achieved before 2023
- No UNFPA programme or data not reported
This map shows each country's or territory's need for UNFPA support, based on availability of resources and on six indicators.
A dispute exists between the Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
No Data Found!
Key results globally for 2023
- The results featured here are a selection of key results in line with indicators for the 2018-2021 UNFPA Strategic Plan. The selection reflects a majority of results achieved, but not all results achieved during the strategic plan cycle by UNFPA programme countries.
- The source of data for most country level indicators are the UNFPA country annual reports for the displayed year selected between 2018-2021, unless stated otherwise.
- A majority of the results are captured from 127 UNFPA programme countries.
- Results featured are cumulative - i.e., achieved within the 2018 and 2021 timeframe, and reflect the net situation, true as of the year selected for display.
- Countries marked ‘To Be Achieved’ have targeted the selected indicator during the 2018-2021 but were reportedly not achieved in the year selected for display.
- Countries in gray marked ‘No UNFPA programme or data not reported’, could imply any of the following conditions:
- The country may have achieved the result without the support of UNFPA
- The country has not targeted the given indicator during the 2018-2021 period
- UNFPA did not receive pertinent reported data for that country in the year selected for display
Notes for global highlights
- Unintended pregnancies averted - estimates generated using the MSI impact 2.3 model, based on the procurement of reproductive health commodities
- New HIV infections averted - estimates generated using impact models; not disaggregated by region or country level
- Marginalized girls who benefited from life skills programmes - results reflect 2018 achievements only
- Lives saved -
- Maternal deaths averted - estimates generated using the MSI impact 2.3 model, based on the procurement of reproductive health commodities
- Unsafe abortions averted - estimates generated using the MSI impact 2.3 model, based on the procurement of reproductive health commodities
- Sexually transmitted infections averted -
- Girls saved from female genital mutilation -
- UNFPA-assisted safe deliveries in humanitarian or fragile settings
- Pregnancies and deliveries by UNFPA-supported midwives
- Percentage of population scheduled to be counted by 2020 and was counted -
- Couple-years of protection for contraceptives procured by UNFPA - Global total amount only displayed in global highlights.
- Women and young people reached with sexual and reproductive health services -
- Women and girls living with obstetric fistula received treatment -
- Women and girls who were subjected to violence accessed essential services -
- Prevention/protection services related to child marriage - amounts reported by country offices.
- Prevention/protection services related to female genital mutilation - amounts reported by country offices.
- Disabled women and girls subjected to violence accessed essential services - amounts reported by country offices.
- Advocacy platforms against gender norms - amounts reported by country offices.
- Public declarations against harmful practices - These results capture the achievements of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation
Notes for key results
- Fistula repair surgeries supported by UNFPA: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
- Health service providers trained on the minimum initial service package: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
- Marginalized girls reached with health, social and economic asset-building programmes: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
- Communities that developed advocacy platforms to eliminate discriminatory gender and sociocultural norms that affect women and girls: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
- Women and girls who were offered prevention and/or protection services and care related to child, early and forced marriage in partnership with UNFPA: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
- Women and girls who were offered prevention and/or protection services and care related to female genital mutilation in partnership with UNFPA: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
- Communities which have made public declarations to eliminate harmful practices, with support from UNFPA: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
- Women and girls subjected to violence who were provided with access to essential services packages: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
- Number of countries that have the capacity to implement the Minimum Initial Service Package at the onset of a crisis: UNFPA reflected non-cumulative figures for this indicator; the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) is a series of crucial actions required to respond to reproductive health needs at the onset of every humanitarian crisis. View here for more information on MISP
- Results achieved in 2018 only: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 8.2, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.6 14.2
The designations employed and the presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNFPA concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Due to coding limitations the wording across the indicators is standard, both in the global page and the individual country pages. The wording is applied homogeneously to all reporting offices and is by no means an endorsement or statement of recognition of sovereignty. A dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties.