Fighting for Land Rights
It is strange and polarizing to face discrimination within one’s own homeland. The land Waman and Ximena live on is where their families have lived for generations and generations—long beyond memory or recognized documentation. Sadly, discrimination is a reality they have long grown familiar with. This feeling is reinforced as Ximena readies to give birth to their second child and as they discuss the kind of life they want to be able to give to their children.
“Greater efforts must be made to foster the inclusive, transparent participation of all key population groups in the decisions that affect them, including adolescents and youth, persons with disabilities, older persons and indigenous peoples.”
Actually owning their land is the greatest benefit Waman and Ximena’s families experience as generations-strong agricultural workers who work and live off the land. Or so they thought. Over the last few years, a public-private partnership began conducting a large-scale development project. It is pressuring Waman’s family and fellow members in their community to sell their land. Many families have already sold for far less than their land is worth. This quick cash surrendering alarms Waman. He and many community leaders recognize the land takeover as a threat that denies his family their hard work and heritage. The public and private interest group’s efforts are aggressive and their messaging full of lies. Waman and the community members have witnessed the degradation of their natural ecosystem this season. Deforestation, water contamination and waste generation have resulted in poor agricultural yields and significantly less income.
“In Mexico, Panama and Paraguay, poverty rates are as much as 7.9 times higher among indigenous people than non-indigenous people.”
Waman is determined not to be pressured by strangers. He is an optimistic man at heart and also incredibly resourceful. He has stepped forward to take on the role of a community leader to protect their land. He is working alongside other community members, and together they’ve created an organization that demands free, prior and informed consent for land acquisition. This group is in the early stages of action, but is making some progress. Recognized participation is the only way Waman and his community can ensure a sustainable future for themselves, their families and future generations. It will be Waman’s children, Berman and their unborn child, who will carry on their customs and traditions, and hopefully, rightfully, on the land they’ve always lived on.