Empowered to Empower Others
Facing the possibility of death, losing her job, being humiliated and betrayed by her boss, and feeling let down by the legal system, Jessaline only has to look into the eyes of her young daughter to recognize this isn’t something she can let go of. She fights injustice. If her community won’t support her now, then she will create a community that will. This is the kind of woman she wants to be for Mona and for Mona to grow up to be.
Jessaline is aware of literature she’s seen around about support group meetings for survivors of gender-based violence. She’s never been, but decides to start attending. She needs to connect with something right now. When Jessaline is comforted in the meetings, she also finds her voice, and begins speaking out and leading the sessions. Talking about her experience with other women invigorates her. She recognizes her ability to empower other women like herself, and women who, until her rape, she never noticed. Even though it took a tragedy for her to open her eyes to the struggles of women from different situations, she is committed to being the change that will inspire people at all levels of her society to end all forms of violence against women.
“Over the past two decades sex workers have been the focus of many public health initiatives concerned with the spread of HIV and AIDS, but rarely have their own rights to health been acknowledged, nor their rights to social protection from poverty or violence.”
In her support group, Jessaline meets Chi-Chi, a former sex worker who now works in the corporate world as an executive assistant to a CEO. Chi-Chi opens up to Jessaline about her previous life and her struggle to make healthier choices. She is proud of her successes and triumphs. When Jessaline shares with Chi-Chi how her rape came with an HIV scare, Chi-Chi in turn shares with Jessaline that she is HIV-positive.
Chi-Chi explains to Jessaline that keeping her HIV status to herself is a real struggle, as she works hard to be honest in all aspects of her life. She is afraid of being ostracized and discriminated against by her family, friends, colleagues and community members.
The trust and bond created between the two women inspires Jessaline further. It gives her a sense of personal purpose and contribution that she has never felt before, despite her previous professional successes. She likes being an integral part of a community and a leader, and she feels passionately about advocating for and protecting all women. She will create change and reform so that Mona doesn’t have to experience what she and other women have lived through.
Jessaline and Chi-Chi discuss the latter’s personal desire but also fear around sharing her HIV status. It is risky in their country, but Chi-Chi feels she no longer wants to hide. She decides she will first tell her boss. When she confronts her with the news, the response is one of compassion and support. Chi-Chi learns that her boss has a brother who is HIV+.
Jessaline decides to dedicate her time and energy to creating a platform where she can be a spokeswoman who advocates for gender equality, education around gender-based violence, and an end to stigma around sexually transmitted infections and HIV. Jessaline’s ability to create change compels her to take things further. She will run for office at the local level. A woman leader in her community will be another step towards empowering other women, while also better teaching men to respect and support them in the process.
“In all regions, women remain significantly underrepresented among business leaders and managers.”