UNFPA Response in Yemen Monthly Situation Report #03 – March 2020

In March, the crisis in Yemen entered its sixth year. The scale, severity and complexity of needs in Yemen continue to stagger.…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen Monthly Situation Report #02 – February 2020

The upsurge in hostilities that began in mid-January in Marib, Al Jawf and Sana’a Governorates, continued into February;…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen Monthly Situation Report #01 – January 2020

As the conflict enters its fifth year, Yemen remains the world’s worst humanitarian crisis with staggering levels of humanitarian…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen Monthly Situation Report #12 – December 2019

At the close of 2019, Yemen remains one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, with staggering levels of humanitarian needs.…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen Monthly Situation Report #11 – November 2019

Despite a difficult operating environment, since the beginning of 2019, 201 international and national humanitarian organisations…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen Monthly Situation Report #10 – October 2019

The level of need in Yemen is staggering. Nearly 80 per cent of the population requires humanitarian assistance and protection.…

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Psychosocial Support for Women Survivors of Violence in Yemen

Yemen is facing the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, with 24 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, including…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen Monthly Situation Report #9 – September 2019

During September, fighting sporadically escalated in different parts of the country leading to spikes in displacement and…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen Monthly Situation Report #8 – August 2019

The conflict is becoming increasingly volatile and fragile. Earlier in August, fighting in Aden between Government forces and…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen Monthly Situation Report #7 – July 2019

The humanitarian situation is worsening for many Yemenis, while fighting continues in many areas of the country. Eighty per cent…

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