Somalia independent country programme evaluation 2011-2015

Somalia independent country programme evaluation 2011-2015



Arab States

la República Federal de Somalia



This report presents the results of the final evaluation of the UNFPA Somalia 2nd Country Programme for 2011-2015. The Somalia programme had a total budget of 74.87 million USD, with funds mobilised from both regular (21.42 million USD and other (53.45 million USD) sources to finance programme activities. The programme covered the three programme components namely reproductive health and rights (a total expenditure of 35.37 million USD); population and development (expenditure of 10.11 million USD) and gender equality (expenditure of 10.05 million USD). The 2nd Country Programme sought to improve the overall quality of life of the Somali people and was developed to contribute to the outcomes of the United Nations Somalia Assistance Strategy (UNSAS).

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