The UNFPA 3rd Country Program (2012-2017), the Kyrgyz Republic

The UNFPA 3rd Country Program (2012-2017), the Kyrgyz Republic



Eastern Europe & Central Asia

la República Kirguisa



The overall purpose of this Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) is to conduct an independent end-of-program cycle evaluation of the UNFPA’s third Country Program (CP) of Assistance to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (GoKR) as a part of its work plan. This evaluation examines the factors that have facilitated or hindered achievements, and documents the lessons learned to inform the formulation of the fourth UNFPA CP within the next United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) in support of the GoKR. This report covers the period from 2012 to the present in four focus areas: 1) Reproductive Health and Rights (RHR), 2) Youth, 3) Gender and Gender Based Violence (GBV), and 4) Population and Development (PD).

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