Executive Board

Executive Board

Integrated midterm review and progress report on the UNFPA Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 (DP.FPA/2020/4 Part 1)

Integrated midterm review and progress report on the UNFPA Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 (DP.FPA/2020/4 Part 1)
Annex 1: Output scorecard and updated integrated results and resources framework
Annex 3: Results in humanitarian and fragile contexts, 2019
Annex 4 : Implementation of global and regional interventions
Annex 5: UNFPA response to sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment
Annex 6: Implementation of General Assembly resolution 71/243 on the quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system, 2019
Annex 7: Common chapter

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