
La prévention du VIH doit atteindre les plus vulnérables : les adolescents, les jeunes femmes et les communautés LGBTQIA+

«Les préservatifs disparaîtront de nos maisons et nous saurons qu'ils sont utilisés», a déclaré Maneo Ramabanta, au Lesotho, où les efforts de prévention du VIH doivent atteindre les adolescents vulnérables. © UNFPA Lesotho / Violet Maraisane
  • 23 Juillet 2018


Delivering into chaos: Gunshots, arson and childbirth in rural Kenya

Lena Towai with her newborn son. They have been living at a displacement camp in East Pokot County since August 2017. © UNFPA Kenya/Douglas Waudo
  • 06 Avril 2018


De sage-femme à députée, faire progresser les droits des femmes aux Comores

La députée Hadjira Oumouri assiste au marathon comorien lors de la Journée internationale de la femme. © UNFPA Comores / Nasser Youssouf
  • 04 Avril 2018


Courageous girls change attitudes about FGM in Ethiopia

Uncut girls club members come together to change attitudes about FGM in the community. © UNFPA Ethiopia/Meron Negash
  • 01 Mars 2018


Mozambique programme empowers girls to fight gender inequality, child marriage

Girls in the Raparinga Biz meet in a safe space, where they can freely discuss issues including gender equality, violence and their own struggles. © UNFPA Mozambique
  • 14 Février 2018


Displaced by crisis, South Sudan midwifery students focus on saving mothers

Nyomon Lilian attends to a mother and her newborn at the Juba Teaching Hospital. © UNFPA South Sudan
  • 09 Février 2018


To tackle sexual violence in Lesotho, programme targets men and boys

UNFPA works with survivors of violence and with law enforcement. But with studies showing that young herders are frequently among the perpetrators of violence, it became clear that efforts must be directed towards them, as well. © UNFPA Lesotho
  • 11 Janvier 2018


Women-friendly spaces offer safe haven for Congolese refugees in Angola

Kiena Odette, Musito and other girls take part in educational and recreational activities at the UNFPA-supported women-friendly space. © UNFPA/Tiril Skarstein
  • 15 Janvier 2018


A vision of change: Pioneer spends 30 years advocating end to FGM in Sudan

Abdullah Ali Abdullah has spent 30 years working with communities in North Kordofan to encourage abandonment of female genital mutilation. © UNFPA Sudan
  • 31 Janvier 2018


“I refused”: Brave women and girls take a stand against FGM

Latty, 14, was inspired by her mother to call for the elimination of FGM. Luca Zordan for UNFPA
  • 06 Février 2018

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