The 2018-2021 UNFPA strategic plan set as goal to “achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health, realize reproductive rights, and reduce maternal mortality to accelerate progress on the agenda of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, to improve the lives of women, adolescents and youth, enabled by population dynamics, human rights and gender equality”. Through the Outcome 2; “Every adolescent and youth, in particular adolescent girls, is empowered to have access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, in all contexts”; UNFPA works with governments to implement comprehensive sexuality education, both in schools and through community-based training and outreach. UNFPA also promotes policies for, and investment in, sexuality education programmes that meet internationally agreed standards.
The Benin Country Office is about to start a new country programme 2019-2023 Benin is committed at the highest level to meeting the unmet need for contraception of the population and the respect of human rights through the National Population Policy (2013-2025. The 9th program of cooperation between the Government of Benin and UNFPA, highlights the realization of the rights and the improvement of the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and young people, and the development of the full potential of these as a national priority and pillar of the capture of the demographic dividend by 2030.
This requires investments in the provision of information, services by different actors of sexual and reproductive health among others and daily monitoring of the results of interventions.)
One of the main initiatives of this 9th programme, is a 5 years project on Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) with the Netherlands. As such, this project will help UNFPA Benin on the first hand to better deliver on his new country programme Output 3“Young people, especially adolescent girls, have the skills and abilities to make informed choices about their well-being and their sexual and reproductive health and rights” Starting with a 24 pilot schools, the project aims at the end to be deployed in 500 schools across the country to support the improvement of sexual and reproductive health services for young people and adolescents.
On the other hand, this project is meant to accompany and mainstream the national policy of introduction of digital education complete the traditional pedagogy for better results. Benin is one of the countries with the fastest telephone and internet penetration. This supposes that it will be easier to communicate until the last kilometer without necessarily having to move. Schools will experience with e-learning in Sexual Health Education in particular, but more generally to confront educators and learners to digital education.
Thus, to support the implementation of this project and strategically accompany the country scale up digital education, UNFPA Benin recruits an international consultant in collaboration with the Ministry of Secondary, Technical and Professional Education.
In view of the of the nature of the assignment, and based on the national policy on digital education the consultant will be expected, to support the government of Benin, through UNFPA, in the implementation of its digital education policy.
We are no longer accepting applications for this position.