Humanitarian Emergencies

The Humanitarian Dashboard highlights the humanitarian needs of women, girls and young people, and shows how UNFPA is responding to these needs in a challenging and changing world. UNFPA provides life-saving information, services and supplies in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and gender-based violence (GBV). Information is updated on a rolling basis as it becomes available.

2024 Planned Results

TO REACH: 48 million women, girls and young people in need of humanitarian assistance
IN: 48 countries

Browse by country

Humanitarian Results

2023 Global Snapshot

14.4 million

Total number of people reached with UNFPA-supported sexual and reproductive health services in 51 countries

3.6 million

People reached with family planning information and services in UNFPA-supported facilities in 45 countries

1.3 million

Assisted safe deliveries in UNFPA-assisted facilities in 39 countries