Human rights violations affect women and girls differently. Girls who are the least educated, poorest and living in rural areas, are at the greatest risk of FGM
Human rights violations affect females differently. Girls who are the least educated are at the greatest risk of FGM
Nivel de Educación
Wealth Quintile
Mujeres y niñas que han sufrido MGF, por característica sociodemográfica
ResidenceEducation LevelWealth quintile
Mujeres y niñas que han sufrido MGF, por característica sociodemográfica
More than 70 per cent of the women who have undergone FGM were cut before age 5; the difference of age at FGM between women 15-19 and women 45-49 indicates that more girls are likely to be cut at an earlier age
More than 65% of the women who have undergone FGM were cut before age 5; the difference of age at FGM between women 15-19 and women 45-49 indicates that more girls are likely to be cut at an earlier age
women age at FGM/C 15-49women age at FGM/C 15-19women age at FGM/C 45-49
Prevalencia de la MGF entre las niñas, por residencia, educación de la madre, grupo étnico e índice de riqueza, en porcentaje
Durante la encuesta, 18% de las niñas de Senegal se habían sometido a algún tipo de MGF
19% of daughters aged 0-14 in Nigeria have undergone some form of FGM El indicador captura un cierto momento en el tiempo y no una verdad eterna, ya que estas jóvenes podrían ser circuncidadas en una etapa posterior de sus vidas.
Fuente: DHS 2010-2011 unless otherwise indicated | United Nations Population Fund |
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